How Do You Challenge Yourself?

April 24, 2014

Last night on my way to Bikram yoga I was scrolling through Instragram and passed this gem from Fabletics:


I saw it at just the right moment to get me ready for class. I went to Bikram last week and it totally kicked my butt. As in, I felt like I was going to vomit the whole time and dreaded ever returning (so fun, right?) but seeing this quote before heading into class made my nerves fall away because it’s so true, if it’s not a challenge you probably aren’t going to improve or change. Instead of being afraid of how hard class was going to be, I looked at it as a positive, maybe I will feel like crap but getting through it will feel so good (FYI, it was not as miserable as last week; it was actually GOOD!).

The quote had me thinking throughout class about how I need challenge myself more. It’s not just relevant for working out and training but also life in general. How many things do you do each day that challenges you? I often go through a day without feeling challenged at all; I stick to the routine that I know is manageable, yet repetitive. I’m not the most spontaneous person and I tend to stick to what I know, avoiding risks.

Those rare occasions where I do feel challenged or scared to try something, once I do, the sense of accomplishment is amazing.

Doing something scary and challenging every so often is so good for you and I’m hoping to incorporate more of that into my life, whether it’s with my training and races, with work, with my blog, traveling and so on.

So give me some inspiration! What do you do to challenge yourself?

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