If you came to class this week, this is the playlist you rode to. If you couldn’t make it, try the ride on your own!
The first song is your warm up, immediately followed by a 3-song, 11-minute climb. After the hill you’ve got 4 speed songs. Split them by doing 3 sprints in each song. For class we did 40 second sprints for the first speed song, then 30 second sprints for the next and 20 seconds for the third speed song. The last speed song (Shake it Out) was made up of a 20 second sprint, a 30 second sprint and a 40 second sprint. Once you’re done with the speed work, the next 3 songs make up your second 11-minute climb. Born to Run is your cool down and stretch song.
Total ride time: 45 minutes
Enjoy the ride!