April 7, 2014

Race Season is HERE

This weekend I headed to DC for the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler (it was great!) and when I checked my newsfeed later in the afternoon I was so excited to see so many of my friends participating in races across the country. I love races as a way to stay motivated in your workouts and encouraging you to reach new goals so here’s a special shout out to my running friends!

Jackie (my cousin!) ran the Aut2Run 10K in California and even though she was a little nervous pre-race she said it was great and easier than expected, way to go! She sported my new favorite jacket, the Yalu from Fabletics, perfect for a breezy run.

Lauren (college bestie!) ran the Cocoa Classic 5k in Michigan. That race definitely wins for post-race festivities with hot cocoa and fondue snacks. Lauren’s next race is the Solider Field 10-Miler in Chicago (and then a few months later we’ll be running the Detroit Half Marathon together!).

And then there’s me, MM and Sara who ran the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler in DC. It was my first time on this course and it was really lovely! It was a perfect DC spring day, the course was really pretty along the water and even though the cherry blossoms weren’t yet in full bloom, I still enjoyed the sights along the course. The three of us ran together; normally I race solo so it was a welcomed change to be able to take in the sights with friends (I think they really enjoyed me playing tour guide, pointing to monuments with descriptions like “there is another large important building”). There were SO many runners but it was an excellently run race and it was pretty cool getting to start and finish right under the Washington Monument.

To everyone else who ran this weekend, congrats & keep up the good work!

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