February 26, 2014

Post-Vacation Blues & How to Reset

Coming back from vacation is. the. worst. After a weekend skiing and a week in Spain I wasn’t too happy about returning to the real world but there were a couple of things I was looking forward to. I have a solid routine for balanced eating and working out and on vacation that routine tends to fly out the window. My Spain trip was certainly no exception.

Both hotels that I stayed at were gym-less and I didn’t feel safe or knowledgeable enough about either city (Madrid/Barcelona) to go on a run by myself and with all the walking and touring we were doing my legs were plenty tired without extra miles (we walked about 10-12 miles each day). In terms of eating I let loose. I didn’t hold back at all, I tasted anything and everything and don’t regret it for a second. Oh and no restaurants in Spain give you water! Your only option is to buy a pricey bottle of water; tap water is not an option. I think it’s safe to say I was somewhat dehydrated for 7 days straight. I tried to drink water but not nearly as much as I’m used to and at many restaurants wine was cheaper than water so I think it’s pretty obvious what my choice was.

Once home I was sad vacation time was over but I was also looking forward to getting back to my healthy habits. First thing I did upon landing was hit the gym for a sweat session, followed by a fruit and veggie filled trip to Trader Joe’s. To jump start my clean eating I made two huge juices to get me through about a day and a half: Green Juice (celery, cucumber, romaine, lemon, ginger, apple, kale) and Carrot+ Juice (carrot, pear, apple, ginger, lemon). I drank a lot of juice but also had some small healthy snacks along the way.

Vacation is a perfect time to allow yourself a break.  Don’t pass on interesting/local meals or feel guilty about not working out. I’m not saying go crazy, but take the time to enjoy your travels and know that once you return home you can rest.

What do you do after time off to get yourself back to your healthy routine?

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