This weekend called for my longest training run, 20 miles! It ended training week 13 of 16. I had been nervous about this run but it turned out to be not so bad. My training program actually had me doing two 20-milers but the first one got downsized to a 10-miler and I felt that one 20-miler was plenty to prepare me. After 2 loops of Central Park, Brittany (my running buddy) and I headed to the West Side Highway to finish off the run. I felt pretty good most of the way. Around Mile 18 I felt some knee pain but nothing that made me stop running. We did make a few bathroom breaks and a few quick stops to stretch our legs but otherwise we kept moving. At the end of the 20-miles I felt confident that if I was in the race, I could have kept going for another 6.2, which is an encouraging feeling. The only long runs left are 15 miles and 10; very happy about that!
What I ate: Woke up and had a Kind bar and 4 Gu Chomps then a Gu gel around mile 7 and 6ish sport beans around mile 12. Had I been in race mode I would have had another gel around mile 18 but at that point I was almost done and didn’t bother with it.
20 days until the marathon!