It’s time for Weekly Wins – a look at what made last week a good one:
1. Headed up to New Hampshire to celebrate the wedding of Sarah & Hugh. Did you guys know that my secret talent is hair styling? It was put to the test this weekend as stylist to the bride. I was nervous – so much pressure! -but I think I pulled it off- what do you think?
2. And here’s a look at the beautiful setting for the wedding, overlooking Newfound Lake. A little rain didn’t get in the way of a very fun celebration.
3 & 4. Signed up for my next two athletic events! The Rock n Roll Half Marathon in Providence (as prep for my marathon) and the NYC Century Ride (aiming for 75 mile ride this year). Looking forward to both.
5. And can you believe it’s been a week & a day since we all lined up to jump into the Hudson River? This picture shows when all your nerves come together as you prepare step off the platform.