Last night made for a very squiggly run map. I had a TNT team run and omg it was hard. I was really feeling it- here’s what we did:
- 1 Mile warm up run from Columbus Circle to Bethesda Terrace steps
- Squat jumps + high knee runs up the stairs, loop around the steps, and do it again
- Run a 1-mile figure 8 around the fountains in that area
- Repeat steps 2-3, 3 times
In total it was almost 5 miles and the overall pace was slow because of all the stairs, but the running portion was quick (overall pace: 9:57, running pace closer to 8:30).
Mentally I was not “in” this run. The whole time I wanted to stop because of all the little hills and stairs, but I made it through all 3 loops. I’ll definitely try this route again because it challenged me much more than your basic run around the park.
What routes do you take when you’re looking for a challenge?