Swim Training Session #1

March 7, 2013

I wasn’t looking forward to it, but last night I made it to my first swimming session with Team in Training. I decided to go for the intermediate swim group since I know how to swim but don’t necessarily have the best form to get me into the advanced group. The swim didn’t start until 8:30pm so I actually took a Bikram Yoga class after work but before the swim. I was nervous it would tire me out, but thought this was a better option than going home and sitting on my couch (that would make me REALLY want to skip the swim). So I got my sweat on and then quickly headed up to the pool at 145th and Riverside (omg so far away). I’m normally extremely punctual (usually earlier to things than I’d like to be) but I actually got to the swim practice a bit late. The complex the pool was located at is super confusing and a longer walk from the subway than I expected. Luckily I was only a few minutes late and joined the group before everyone got in the water.

This was an intro to swim training and I’ll say it was OK. The hour session only included a few laps and instead focused more on form, which is great because my form definitely needs some work. I was happy to see that I wasn’t as slow as I thought and could definitely keep up with this intermediate level. Because we were focusing on form and weren’t really getting in a cardio workout I was cold and shivering for almost the entire hour, not pleasant. The whole time I was thinking “I’m never coming back to this pool” but in the end I decided it was actually a good session and I learned a few things. Plus, on the subway ride home I met some team members who I quickly found I had a lot in common with. Most of my current friends aren’t as crazy about fitness as I am, and that’s fine, but it’s nice to meet a group of girls who are as nutso as I am. In our short conversation I learned that among this group of girls there were marathon runners, Equinox members, and they often worked out two times a day (sounds like a match made in heaven!).

So will I return to the pool? Yep. I’ll be there next week, probably with a similar feeling of dread…but I’ll be there!

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