Race Thoughts: Ironman 70.3

February 28, 2013

On Monday I start my official training for the 2013 NYC Triathlon. I’m sorta excited and also sort of blah about it. I don’t want this to sound obnoxious, but I’m having some feelings of “been there, done that.” Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE this race and it’s definitely a challenge, but this will be my 4th time doing the same race. Of course I have room for improvement and this will be the first year that I (attempt) to properly train, but I am still having feelings of wanting to try something harder.

An Ironman 70.3 (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run) has been in the back of my mind for a while. Reading Stephanie’s latest post brought it a bit more to the forefront. THAT is the next race I want to do (well, I’m also doing my first full marathon later this year, so that’s something new and exciting to look forward to) but after THAT, I really think the Ironman 70.3 is going to call my name loud and clear.

Letting curiosity takeover, I’ve been looking around Ironman.com. I had no idea how many cool locations you can do this race in. New Zealand, Australia, Spain, France and the list goes on. So really, is this a possibility for me in 2014? And could I do it in another country (there are great US cities to do the race in but another country sounds extra cool).

I’d also like to make a note that despite being twice the distance of the NYC Tri, they are all CHEAPER than what you have to pay to register for the NYC Tri. I can’t stand how overpriced and expensive everything is in this city! It’s no picnic swimming in the Hudson, why am I being charged $300+ to do it?

SO-Have you done an Ironman 70.3? Do you recommend it?

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