Bikram Yoga + Paleo: 10 Days In

February 1, 2013

I’ve made it through 10 days of bikram yoga plus a healthy paleo-style diet! I’ve still got 20 days to go, but I thought I’d give a little update on how it’s going so far.

It has been tough but it’s also been great. It can be hard to fit 90 minutes of exercise in each day, but because I’m committed to doing 30 days straight, I’ve made it a priority. The classes are challenging and super sweaty, but now that I’ve been going consistently, I look forward to it as opposed to dreading it (which is how I feel about yoga when practicing sporadically). I go into class knowing that for 90 minutes, all I have to do is focus and sweat. After class I typically feel pretty drained, but in a good way.

The paleo diet I’ve been following has cut out nearly all processed foods, focusing heavily on fruits, vegetables and lean meats, so that has also made me feel very clean and “toxin-free.” Combine that with 90 minutes of daily sweating and I feel amazing. On top of the yoga I’ve been sticking with my 3 spin classes (sometimes more) per week. Because the exercise styles are SO different, it’s nice to do both. I think it’s important to have some straight up cardio in the mix when you’re doing yoga. It works the body in a different way and a combo is ideal.

In the last 10 days I’ve managed to lose 3 pounds. That might not sound like a lot to some of you, but for me, standing tall at 5’2, that is HUGE! I’ve always worked out a ton so it’s typically changes in diet that affect my weight, not exercise. And when I say “changes in weight” I’m talking really small changes. My weight fluctuates +/- 4 pounds at most. So those 3 pounds of weight loss really are something for me. I’m only 1 pound away from weighing the actual weight listed on my drivers license! I’ve refused to ever update this number when I renew my licensee so that means I’m 1 pound away from weighing the same thing I did at age 15 when I got my learners permit. Crazy right?

And with that, 10 days down, 20 days to go!

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