Healthy Recipe: Kale Chips

February 1, 2012

Last night on a whim I decided to make some kale chips, a very easy recipe I learned from Irene. Here are the simple steps:

  1. Buy pre-cut kale (or cut your own, but this just makes it so easy)
  2. Toss kale with olive oil, top with sprinkled sea salt and pepper
  3. Cover a baking sheet with tin foil, spread the kale on the foil and put in the oven for about 20 minutes, flipping the kale about halfway through
  4. Enjoy!

A couple of things I learned from attempt #1 at making my own kale chips:

  • I wasn’t so great a spreading the olive oil so some pieces were covered in it while others were bare. I may buy an olive oil sprayer so I can more evenly distribute the ingredient.
  • I thought that these would make a nice afternoon snack today so I packed a bag of the chips this morning and by the time I got to work they were basically a soggy bag of lettuce. Perhaps when you make it yourself it’s only good right away, OR maybe I needed to bake it for longer and make them crispier.
  • I liked the flavor but would also consider adding different spices or sprinkled Parmesan cheese.

Here is a more detailed Kale Chips how-to, complete with photos.

Do you have any tips on baking your own healthy snacks?

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