I danced for fifteen years so I never picked up running. I am a college sophomore now and unfortunately there is no dance program. I really want to pick up running, but I keep getting injured. I was wondering if you had a plan to slowly get into running so I can eventually become an avid runner with no pain. Please let me know if you have any ideas. Thank you for your time!

January 27, 2012

Hi Anon- I have two very good friends who went from being non-runners to recently competing in their first 5-mile race so with the right training, you CAN become a runner! The important thing to keep in mind is to start small. Don’t expect to go on your first run and breeze through it. Running is hard. But totally worth it for the way you will feel post-run.

A great way to motivate is to find a race to work up to. A 5k is usually a good place to start. Check out this training program for non-runners working up to a 5k race from Fitness Magazine. Stick to it as closely as possible to avoid getting into anything to quickly and risking injury.

Also, make sure to get a good pair of running shoes. Too often people don’t realize that this is very important to avoid injury. I am a big fan of Asics. If you go to a running store they can watch the way you run and suggest the best pair for you. Once you really get into running, make sure to replace your running shoes about every 300-400 miles (or about 6-8 months).

Good luck and check back in and let me know how it goes!

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