Cleanse Day 3 + Breaking the Cleanse

October 13, 2011

The Blueprint cleanse is complete! Day 3 was fine, the toughest part was the double spin classes in the morning. I was feeling pretty tired throughout it but knew I only had a little bit more of the cleanse to go. At night I opted to see a movie (Moneyball– I recommend it), brought my final juice and relaxed.

This morning, before I actually broke the cleanse I had one more spin class to teach. My energy was VERY low; good thing it was almost time for some real food.

Breaking the Cleanse:

Blueprint sent me an email on Day 3 explaining how to eat coming off the cleanse. Sadly, there is no big meal to celebrate being done. The whole point of the cleanse is to jump start you into healthier eating, getting rid of bad-food cravings.

Here is a sample menu from Blueprint:

  • Breakfast: Fruit – melon, mango, watermelon or other fruit (try not to mix fruits as it gives your digestive system extra work!)
  • Lunch: Fruit again or any combination of the following: cucumber, avocado, leafy greens, celery – add some lemon juice & olive oil to make a salad.
  • Dinner: Warm vegetable broth (low-sodium!) cucumber or avocado salad, mixed greens salad, arugula or spinach salad, lemon juice, olive oil (you get the picture)’

Seems limiting, but I’ll aim to stick with fruits and veggies today.  For breakfast it’s a bowl of strawberries; feels good to eat again!

Feelings Post-Cleanse:

I won’t say that the cleanse is a complete problem solver. You don’t go on it and drop 10 pounds immediately. However, if you feel like you’ve been eating poorly and want something to get you started on the right track, this is the way to go. You really need to stick to a healthy eating plan following the cleanse or it’s just a waste of money. If you don’t want to spend the money on Blueprint, or a custom cleanse, you can take a look at their site and make your own juices. For those not fully commited to a cleanse, they also provide a “Juice Till Dinner” program.

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