August 4, 2014

I know sleep is super important. I also know that I don’t get enough. Three mornings a week I’m up by 5:45am to teach but tend to get wrapped up in things the night before (mostly The Real Housewives), resulting is 6 or less hours of shut eye.

After reading Well+Good’s 5 expert tips on getting more quality shut-eye (and why you really need to make it happen), I’m challenging myself to make changes for the month of August to get more sleep. I’ve taken a few tips from Well+Good lists and have put together my own routine to follow for the next month.

Yes, things will come up and I’ll have dinner at 9:30 or I’ll get in bed around midnight, but I’m going to do my best to stick to this routine. Care to join me? Perhaps your list of what to do and what not to do will be a little different to catch your 7-8 hours of rest but please join me in making positive changes towards better sleep.

I’ll give you a weekly update on how I’m doing. I’m extra exhausted from yesterday’s triathlon so this challenge officially begins TODAY!

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