New Years Resolutions 2014

January 2, 2014

Here are a few goals & hopes for the year ahead:

  • Be More Adventurous: Sometimes my life feels very much like a routine (sleep, gym, work, repeat) so in the year ahead I want to do more outside of that routine, whatever that may be.
  • Get More Sleep: At least 7 hours (so I can be awake and ready for the above mentioned adventures, and yes, this is my resolution every year)
  • Clean & Healthy Eating + Cooking: I always feel my best when eating real/non-processed foods and I hope to stay more on track this year with my eating, plus increased home-cooked meals.
  • Career Goals: In general, figure out my goals and really go after them. No holding back this year.
  • Start my Health Coaching Business: Connected to the above goal, I’m a certified health coach and want to use this year to put my knowledge into practice.
  • Keep a Clean Apt: I’m pretty neat but sometimes the apartment gets away from me, this year MM & I will keep the place tidier and clutter-free.
  • Better Self-Care: Yes, I watch what I eat and work out, but there are other things involved in self-care that I’m not so good about (using good face lotion, flossing daily, timely doctor/dentist appointments, sports massages, facials, rest days & so on). I’m not getting any younger so these things are becoming more important in my life and it’s time I start caring.
  • Be a Kinder Person: We could all be a little nicer to those around us AND ourselves. This is the year to not be so hard on myself & to also be kinder to others.
  • Volunteer: There are a bunch of important causes I’d like to get involved in. One that I have my eye on is Girls on the Run.
  • Continue to Improve the Blog: With more (& better) photos, workouts and in general continue to the improve the content I share with all of you.

Happy New Year & a big thank you for reading Shapin’ Up, I’m looking forward to a great year ahead with all of you!

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