2019 Resolutions: My Goals & Intentions for the New Year

January 4, 2019

Bend Oregon Mt Hood Forest

Resolutions, love ’em or hate ’em? I love ’em! Even if sometimes I forget about them by March, I still am a resolution lover. I make a list every year and usually write about them here so I can refer back and keep myself on track. Side note, I really thought I made some for 2018 but can’t seem to find that post…maybe I skipped a year? Anyways, 2019 is a big year! We ended 2018 by moving back to the US after 8 months as expats and are settling into our new routine and life in the Pacific Northwest. A lot of my resolutions revolve around things I learned while living abroad and bringing those intentions into life here. Below are the 7 things I’m working on in 2019 and why they are important to me.

2019 Resolutions: 7 Intentions

Create a Routine

I’ve basically been out of a real routine for a year now. I never made much of a routine while living abroad, but it was okay because each week I was traveling somewhere or hosting visitors. I am a creature of habit and though routines can be monotonous, I know that’s how I thrive. When you have a 9-5, your routine is pretty easy to build. When you don’t, it’s a bit more of a challenge. Right now I’m teaching workout classes while job hunting and it gives my day a lot of flexibility.  It’s nice to have flexibility, but it negatively impacts my productivity. I’m not exactly sure what my routine will look like or how I’m going to craft it, but it’s something I want to work on.

Get Focused on My Job Search

While moving 3 times in 2 years makes for some exciting adventures, it makes for a not-fun job situation. Our last 3 moves have been for my husband’s job and I’ve happily gone along for the ride. I’ve worked during these last two years (at Fitbit and at fitness studios while in SF and some freelance work while in Spain) and it’s time to really get focused on what I want to do here in Portland. Our last two moves were temporary, but here we don’t have a set end date and I’d love to find a job that I’m passionate and excited about. I started my job hunt when we arrived three months ago, but holiday job-hunting is the worst and I wasn’t very focused in my search. Now that it’s January I’m ready to focus in on what I want and go after those roles.

Pay Better Attention to Finances

My finances are fine, but I really need to start paying better attention to them. When you have a full-time job, the same paycheck comes every two weeks. It’s relatively easy to keep track. Right now I’m teaching at two different fitness studios, doing some writing and making small amounts of money by doing things like selling clothes on Poshmark and dogsitting on Rover. The amounts I make from each gig differ week to week and month to month. I need to closely pay attention to what I’m spending versus what I’m making since it’s always shifting. I created a google doc budget sheet and am challenging myself to stick with it! I’m hoping this helps me only spend money on things I really want or need (more on that below).

Practice Minimalism with Purchases

This isn’t just a money thing, it’s a lifestyle thing. We brought a small fraction of our belongings when we lived in Barcelona for 8 months. I brought maybe 20% of my clothes abroad and you know what, it was totally fine! I didn’t miss anything I left behind in storage. When we came back to the US and unpacked all of our boxes that didn’t make the cut to join us in Spain, I realized I didn’t like or care about most of my stuff (all the kitchen gear I really missed! Random sweaters and jeans? Less so. And seriously, how do I have this many pairs of shoes??). Living with less taught me that it’s a nice way to live. We don’t need so many options, usually many that we don’t even care for. This is why I’m currently selling tons of stuff on Poshmark and donating other items. While I’m far from a minimalist and may never be one, I want to have a clutter-free home, only containing things I really love. In addition to enjoying a clutter-free type living, I also do want to save money. Before I make any purchases I’ll be thinking about whether I really want/love/need the item.

Spend Less Time on My Phone/Social Media

I’ve fallen into a real deep dark hole of social media recently. I know it’s because I have a lot of downtime and sometimes feel a bit lonely (still working on that whole friend thing in Portland), but it’s time to pull myself out. Have you guys looked on your iPhone at your time spent on social media apps? I have, and it’s scary. Honestly it’s a reflex to hit the Instagram icon when I’m bored, I barely realize I’m doing it. And once I’m scrolling I don’t care about most things I see. I’ve set a daily social media limit on my phone and I’m forcing myself to stick to it. It’s embarrassing to say that the limit is one hour and I have a hard time meeting it, but there you have it, I’m addicted. I’m working to reprogram myself to not always tap my phone when I’m bored or have a minute of downtime.

Cut Down on Mindless TV Watching

I lived without cable for 8 months in Barcelona and it was liberating; I still watched things I really wanted to watch (via my computer and Netflix), but didn’t have the TV on as a background noise/distraction. When we returned to the US, I was hoping I’d stick with this low-TV viewing lifestyle. Womp womp, I haven’t been doing a great job of that. When I’m home for long stretches of time, it’s not unusual for the TV to be on in the background for hours. I know it pulls my focus from other things and is totally unnecessary. I’m still allowing myself to watch my fave morning show (Today Show of course!), but once it’s over, the TV goes off for the day.

Get 30 Minutes of Movement Per Day

I’m active, yes, but some days I’m not moving as much as I’d like. I’ve always lived in very walkable cities which made 30 minutes of movement a no-brainer, but Portland is a bit rainy and more of a driving city. I’m taking Ollie on dog walks which adds up, but I’m putting this on my list so I can make a conscious effort to get those important 30 minutes of movement a day, whether it’s a mini at-home workout, a long brisk walk, or visiting the gym.

There you have it! I don’t know if these are resolutions, intentions, goals, or maybe a mix of all three, but these are the items I’d love to improve upon in the new year.

Did you set 2019 resolutions? I’d love to hear them, please comment below and share some of yours!

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