{10/17} Classes & Avant-Barre Wellness Workshop Recap

October 16, 2016

A look inside the Avant-Barre Wellness Workshop + all the opps you have to sweat with me this week!

wellness workshop

Hi lovelies, how was everyone’s weekend? Mine was pretty sweet, the highlight being the Avant-Barre Wellness Workshop. Avant-Barre is my favorite barre studio in SF. I’ve been going since I moved here and the classes are that perfect balance of shaking muscles and a zen afterglow. I’m going to give you a full write up on the studio next week, but let’s first chat about the wellness workshop.

wellness workshop

I met with Nini, the studio owner and total #girlboss a couple of weeks ago and she asked me if I’d be interested in speaking at the event. Half of me was nervous, but the other half very excited. When she asked me, I didn’t give it any hesitation, I just said yes. I wasn’t even sure what I’d speak about and like most people, public speaking isn’t #1 on my comfort, but there was no way I could say no to this opportunity. I get up and talk to groups of 10-50 people on nearly a daily basis, but leading a fitness class is so different than giving a group of people life advice. Doing things that aren’t easy are the way we change and grow, so for me, saying yes to this exciting opportunity was a must.

Avant-Barre Wellness Workshop

In addition to speaking at the event, I attended the workshop. Along with about 25 other #badassballerinas (coined by Avant-Barre. I’d love to call myself a ballerina but let’s be real), we kicked off the day with a new class offering, Avant-Barre Sculpt. It’s similar to the signature class but with the energy and burn kicked up a notch.

After class, Avant Barre master trainer Catherine gave a talk about how to set and achieve goals that matter. I really connected with this chat. With so many changes happening in my life recently (moving across the country, career ups and downs/changes, getting married, and so on), it was a good reminder of what goals I truly want to achieve, and how I can make them happen.

Next up was me! I spoke about leading your healthiest and most balanced life. I started with this exercise that I’ve seen across social: Make a list of things that make you happy. Make a list of things you do everyday. Compare the lists. Adjust accordingly. I then spoke about how we can all make simple healthy changes in our lives to lead us to more happiness, and more time to focus on the things that really matter to us.

Then we got treated to a healthy lunch from Tender Greens, before it was on to more speakers.

Jennifer spoke about the science behind essential oils and their holistic uses. I’ve never used oils but after hearing Jennifer describe their benefits, I’m ready to get behind it and give it a try.

For the last talk, we were treated to How to Un-Edit Your Life on Social Media by Joanne of GoFitJo. As an insta-follower of Joanne, she’s as real and authentic as they come, and shares her positive and real message with her followers. I loved hearing her talk about how to bring your true self into your social media as a way to connect.

We closed out the day with an extended stretch class. I left the studio feeling energized and ready to make and tackle new goals.

The event was so great and I loved connecting with like-minded San Francisco women. I got to chat and connect with a bunch of attendees and hope I see them in and out of the studio again soon. A huge thank you to Avant-Barre for hosting the event, inviting me to talk, and for the sweet swag including my cute new Plié All Day tank. Real talk: I quite ballet int he first grade because I thought it was boring, but I’m totally going to rock that tank.

And now, with that refreshed feeling, I get to enter into this new week ready to make moves. Want to hear something crazy? This is my last full week is SF until I head east for the final weeks leading into the wedding. I have no choice but to be super organized and productive because that wedding to-do list isn’t finishing itself.

And when I’m not being an efficient bride, I’ll be working out and in the studio teaching. Who is joining me? Here’s where you can find me:

Class Schedule 10/17

What are you going to get done this week? Let’s all make positive moves my friends.

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  • Amanda, it was so great hearing you speak… and a pleasure to have you in the Avant-Barre family. You’re a badass ballerina in our book! xo

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