To & From the Gym Must-Haves

January 25, 2016

Gym Must Haves

[image from last winter in NYC, will this year be as bad?]

Wednesday mornings are simultaneously my hardest and my favorite morning of the work week. While I teach or workout most mornings, Wednesday’s are particularly challenging because it’s the earliest class that I teach, starting at 6:15am and it’s close enough that I can walk (1 mile to be exact), but far enough away that I need to bundle up to make it there without freezing. Funnily enough, the cycling studio is located 3 flights up at Equinox so once I get there, I immediately climb the stairs, leaving me a sweaty mess by the time I actually enter the studio. All of this happens before 6am.

Let’s back up to that 1 mile walk to the gym. Why do I walk? Public transportation is iffy at such an early hour and I can’t justify paying for a cab when I know I could walk.

To survive this walk, I’ve become a layering master.

Here are my musts for those wintery walks to and from the gym:


Lululemon Top Knot Toque: Bonus points becuase it has a slot for your ponytail!

nicepipes Leg Warmers: I wear cropped leggings and sneakers, leaving my poor calves exposed to the elements. These leg warmers are a must for wintery fitness peeps- the only ones I’ve found that are made of sweat wicking material and because they aren’t bulky, can easily be stored in your gym bag.

Nike Element Thermal Gloves: Warm enough but sleek enough for easy movement.

Thermos Tumbler: Confession, I drink coffee on the way to class, I NEED it. And this coffee mug keeps my coffee warm for 12 hours, so when I fill it up at 5:40am, it’s still warm at 5:40pm how crazy is that?

Athleta Cozy Karma Hoodie: I opt for a turtleneck-ish layer to keep my neck warm should my scarf move a milimeter out of place (did I mention I’m a total wimp in the cold?)

Lululemon Vinyasa Scarf: An awesome infinitely scarf made of sweat-wicking material.

The key element to most of these pieces is that they are made of workout material, even if I’m not actually working out in them. The hat, scarves and leg warmers for example- I put these back on after my workout for my 1 mile walk home and I can’t be bothered to wash them every single time. Because they know how to deal with sweat, they last multiple wears.

Pair all of the above with the warmest jacket you can find and you’re ready to battle the early morning gym commute!.

Oh and remember how I said while being difficult, Wednesday mornings are my favorite? This is because nothing beats the accomplished feeling knowing you got in really good workout so super early. I’ll typically stick around after my class to take a conditioning class (Metcon3), for a killer cardio+conditioning combo, all completed before 8am. Other days I’ll take the extra time at home to put together a hearty breakfast. Either way, by the time I hit my desk, I feel full of energy and ready to take on the day.

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